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Prog.Lang. or Query

[SQLServer] Convert rows to a column ref: http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/concatenating-row-values-in-transact-sql/ sqlserver rows to column SELECT p1.CategoryId, ( SELECT ProductName + ',' FROM Northwind.dbo.Products p2 WHERE p2.CategoryId = p1.CategoryId ORDER BY ProductName FOR XML PATH('') ) AS Products FROM Northwind.dbo.Products p1 GROUP BY CategoryId ; 대충 보면 이해가지? 안가면 테이블 변수 바꿔서 돌려보길 바랍니다. 뭐 대충 안에있는거 xml 화 해.. 더보기
Java Regular Expression Regular Expression Syntax: Here is the table listing down all the regular expression metacharacter syntax available in Java: Subexpression Matches ^ Matches beginning of line. $ Matches end of line. . Matches any single character except newline. Using m option allows it to match newline as well. [...] Matches any single character in brackets. [^...] Matches any single character not in brackets \.. 더보기
UTLSAMPL.SQL ( scott table sample sql query) Rem Copyright (c) 1990 by Oracle Corporation Rem NAME REM UTLSAMPL.SQL Rem FUNCTION Rem NOTES Rem MODIFIED Rem gdudey 06/28/95 - Modified for desktop seed database Rem glumpkin 10/21/92 - Renamed from SQLBLD.SQL Rem blinden 07/27/92 - Added primary and foreign keys to EMP and DEPT Rem rlim 04/29/91 - change char to varchar2 Rem mmoore 04/08/91 - use unlimited tablespace priv Rem pritto 04/04/91 .. 더보기
Jython os command 에러 처리 if(os.system(os_command) 0: raise "OS Command has signalled errors." 더보기
R data type 형변환 함수 as.numeric as.logical as.character as.factor as.vector as.matrix as.dataframe 더보기