ETL Tools/Oracle Data Integrator 썸네일형 리스트형 [ODI 11g] Master Repository Creation * ODI Repository Master User 생성시 SYSDBA 권한이 필요한 이유 DB Session을 Kill 하기 위한 권한이 필요하기 때문이다. 그러므로 다른 User도 해당 권한이 있으면 Repository 생성이 가능하다? 라고 예상중. - GRANT execute on sys.dbms_lock to user_name with grant option 관련 문서 RCU checks for the following on Oracle databases: Database version is equal to or higher than in 10g or equal to.. 더보기 ODI Repository Upgrade from to using Upgrade Assistant my 1. execute ua.bat %ODI_HOME%\bin\ua.bat 실행 실행후 단게별 작업을 통해 진행 ua.bat 파일 찾는게 어렵지 그담부턴 무척 쉽다. 더보기 [ODI 11g SDK] Data Lineage /************************* TIP ************************/ using recursive function //*** Get table lineage from interface //***** pseudo code //***** find interface using both findByTargetDataStore and findBySourceDataStore in the IOdiInterfaceFinder class //***** made by Cheon Jeonghyeon on 2012.01.10 //***** function(tableName, modelName, OdiInstance) { Get Table ID from 'tableName, modelName';.. 더보기 [ODI 11g] Setup of ODI 11g Agents for High Availability original site: reference: How do I set up ODI for HA? Configure a named ODI Agent in ODI Studio ODI Agents are declared and defined in ODI Studio Topology panel. Define the ODI Agent that will be used in WebLogic cluster for high availability and for scalable .. 더보기 [ODI 11g] ORA-28267 Inavlid Namespace Value When using dblink, the error occured ORA-28267 Inavlid Namespace Value. It is in SR, something like Bug, I'm not sure but I solve this problem down ojdbc driver from ojdbc6dms.jar to ojdbc6.jar ojdbc6dms.jar is using default oracle driver in Version and ojdbc6.jar is using default oracle driver in Version It works after change jar file to ojdbc6.jar. you should change all of .. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 27 다음