ETL Tools/Oracle Data Integrator 썸네일형 리스트형 Procedure A procedure is similar to a package in the way that it also allows you to define a sequence of codes. You can add multiple “commands” to a procedure and the command will be executed in sequence. A command contains the code that can be executed by database engine, the operating system, or by ODI itself. Unlike a package, a procedure is designed to be reused. You can parameterize a procedure by pr.. 더보기 Oracle Data Integrator SDK Invocation API 더보기 java를 이용하여 ODI Scenario 호출 1. 기본적인 java 설정. 2. odi-sdk-invocation.jar 파일 library에 추가 oracle.odi.sdk.invocation의 Class 들을 import 하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 경로에 있는 jar 파일을 java library에 추가 하여야 한다. #ODI_HOME#\oracledi\tools\web_services\odi-public-ws.arr 이라는 압축 파일을 푼다. 그러면 lib 폴더에 odi-sdk-invocation.jar파일을 찾을 수 있다. java library에 추가. 3. 코드 작성 Oracle Forum을 가보면 많은 자료를 찾을 수 있다. 예) import oracle.odi.sdk.invocation.OdiCommand; import oracle... 더보기 Contents of the Oracle Data Integrator Installation Directory The Oracle Data Integrator installation directory contains the following sub-directories: Directory Description /bin Contains all the scripts for launching the different Oracle Data Integrator modules and tools. These scripts are given in detail below. /demo Contains all the data sets required for the demonstration supplied with Oracle Data Integrator. It also contains the demo repository. /doc .. 더보기 Installing Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle Data Quality Products The Oracle Data Integrator installation program includes three products and gives you four installation options depending on the solution you want to install: The complete installation includes Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Data Profiling and Oracle Data Quality for Oracle Data Integrator. Oracle Data Integrator is a comprehensive data integration platform that covers all data integration requi.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ··· 27 다음