Prog.Lang. or Query/Jython
jython snpsftp
2009. 4. 3. 14:46
snpsftp Module
This module simplifies the use of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) with Jython
Using Jython in Oracle Data Integrator
It implements the class SnpsFTP
SnpsFTP Class
Constructor / Methode Description
SnpsFTP([host [,user [,passwd[, acct[, port]]]]]) | Constructor: creates an ftp object and connects to the host FTP server on port number port using user, passwd and acct for the authentication. |
connect(host [,port]) | Connects to the FTP host server on port number port |
login([user [,passwd [,acct]]]) | Performs authentication against the FTP server. |
setmode(mode) | Sets the mode to ASCII or BINARY. Possible values are: 'ASCII' or 'BINARY'. The default value for transfers is ASCII. |
setpassive(0 | 1) | Sets the FTP connection in passive (1) or active (0) mode. |
get(src[, dest [, mode]]) | Downloads the file described with its full path src (on the FTP erver) into the file or directory dest. The mode can be forced to 'ASCII' or 'BINARY'. |
mget(srcdir, pattern [, destdir [,mode]]) | Downloads a set of files from the directory srcdir that matches the filter pattern in the directory destdir using the mode mode. |
put(src [, dest [, mode='' [, blocksize=8192]]]) | Puts the local file src in the server file dest using the mode mode. Uses a bloc transfer size of blocksize bytes. |
mput(srcdir, pattern [, destdir [,mode [, blocksize=8192]]]) | Puts several local files from the directory srcdir that match the filter pattern into the server directory destdir using the mode mode. Uses a transfer bloc size of blocksize octets. |
quit() | Sends a QUIT command, then closes the connection with the FTP server. |
close() | Closes the connection with the FTP server. |
Retrieve the *.txt files from /home/odi on the server in the local directory c:\temp
import snpsftp
ftp = snpsftp.SnpsFTP('', 'mylogin', 'mypasswd')
ftp.mget('/home/odi', '*.txt', 'c:/temp')
ftp = snpsftp.SnpsFTP('', 'mylogin', 'mypasswd')
ftp.mget('/home/odi', '*.txt', 'c:/temp')
Put the *.zip files from C:\odi\lib onto the server' in the remote
directory /home/odi/lib
import snpsftp
ftp = snpsftp.SnpsFTP('', 'mylogin', 'mypasswd')
ftp.mput('C:/odi/lib', '*.zip', '/home/odi/lib')
ftp = snpsftp.SnpsFTP('', 'mylogin', 'mypasswd')
ftp.mput('C:/odi/lib', '*.zip', '/home/odi/lib')