2009. 3. 23. 11:05
기존에 구현된 ODI 구조를 분석하고 싶으면
master & work Repository export/import 를 통해
local server에 구조를 옮긴 후 분석하는 편이 속도 면에서 좋다.
The Master Repository Import/Export procedure allows you to transfer the whole repository (Topology and Security domains included) from one repository to another.
It can be performed in Topology, to import the exported objects in an existing repository, or while creating a new master repository.
To import a master repository in an existing master repository:
In Topology Manager, click on File > Import > Master Repository ...
Select the Import Mode, the import Folder or Zip File and click on OK.
The specified file(s) are imported into the current master repository.
Work Repository는 Designer에서 할 수 있다.