천정현 2009. 3. 20. 09:30

A procedure command is the unit of execution of a procedure.


This tab allows the command row to be defined.



Name 이름

command 이름

Log Counter
로그 카운터

어떤 카운터 (삽입, 업데이트, 삭제 또는 오류) 명령에 의해 처리된 행의 수를 기록할 것인지를 보여줍니다.

Log level


Ignore Errors
오류 무시

오류가 날 경우, 경고로 처리하여 작업이 중지되지 않고 계속할 수 있도록 하기 위해


대상명령과 원본 명령을 나눈것은 다중연결시 서로다른 명령을 사용하기 위해서 이다.procedure.


명령이 실행될 기반 기술

: To use Oracle Data Integrator Tools (commands) in KM procedure commands or procedures commands, you must set the technology to Sunopsis API.
To use OS commands or to execute external programs, you must set the technology to Operating System.

Transaction Isolation
트랜잭션 격리

하나의 트랜잭션이 진행될 동안 다른 client가 침범하였을 경우의 격리정도를 선택할 수 있다.

The levels of isolation are:

  • Default: The transaction keeps the connection's isolation level.

  • Read Uncommitted: The transaction can read data not committed by another transaction.

  • Read Commited: The transaction can only read data committed by other transactions (in general, this is the default mode of many data servers).

  • Repeatable Read: The transaction is certain to read the same information if it executes the same SQL query several times, even if the rows have been modified and committed by another transaction in the meantime.

  • Serializable: The transaction is certain to read the same information if it executes the same SQL query several times, even if the rows have been modified, deleted or created and committed by another transaction in the meantime.


Execution context of the query. If "Execution context" is left, the command will be executed in the execution context chosen on launching or on the step.


Logical schema for execution. This logical schema, linked to the context, allows the physical execution schema to be defined.


You can execute commands on several concurrent transactions (numbered from 0 to 9) or work off-transaction by choosing the option "Autocommit". The latter may be more efficient.


If your command is being executed in a transaction (numbered 0 to 9), you can decide to continue or to commit the current transaction according to the following modes:

  • No Commit: The transaction is not committed. In this case, it can be committed in a later command. If a session ends normally, all transactions are committed by default.

  • Commit: The transaction is committed.

  • Commit 1000 rows: Oracle Data Integrator commits every 1000 records processed. This choice is only possible on a loading procedure command, that is, one containing a source command returning a result set and a destination command that carries out Inserts.


The text of the command expressed in a native language or in a standard language (such as SQL, PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, shell, etc). You can use the expression editor, accessible through the button to the right of the text.

Warning: If the command seems to be made of random characters, then the procedure is encrypted. For more details about encryption and decryption, please read Encrypt a KM or a Procedure. Contact also the procedure's provider.



This tab allows you to specify whether the procedure command is to be executed or not, according to the value of a procedure option.



Always execute

The procedure command is executed regardless of the options values.


This chart shows all options. The checkbox preceding each option shows that the procedure command is executed if the (checkbox-type) option has the value "yes".