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[SQL] Hidden parameter 확인 select ksppinm name, ksppstvl value, ksppstdf is_default, decode(bitand(ksppiflg/256,1),1,'true','false') ses_modifiable, decode(bitand(ksppiflg/65536,3),1, 'immediate',2,'deferred',3,'immediate','false') sys_modifiable, ksppdesc descriptionfrom sys.x$ksppi i, sys.x$ksppcv vwhere i.indx = v.indx; 더보기
[ODI 11g] Tip for development productivity 1. Interface 개발 = Excel Job info(Project & Folder, Source / Target Model, Interface name, SQL) list + interface interpreter2. Package 개발 = Template 복사 + Repository를 통한 Interface 연결 변경 & Name update 수행 - 패키지 내부 인터페이스 연결 정보 수정: snp_step.step_name, snp_step.i_pop - 패키지 명 수정: snp_package.pack_name to be ... excel for development using odi sdk. 더보기
[ODI] LOG Levels in Oracle Data Integrator 작업시 참고 0=> No Log1=> Displays the start and end of each session2=> Displays level 1 and the start and end of each step3=> Displays level 2 and each task executed4=> Displays the SQL queries executed, as well as level 35=> A complete trace, inclueds level 46=> Log level 6 has the same behavior as log level 5, but with the addition of variable tracking while execution or restarting jobs. ref. http.. 더보기
[ODI 11g] ODI SESSION MONITORING VIEW -- it is sql for monitoring all ODI Sessions status for 5 days fromODI Repository tables based SNP_SESSION and SNP_PLAN_AGENT.-- if you need, get it.-- it contains the session info not loadplan-- it is based of ODI repository-- written by cheon on 2015/06/12 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW V_ETL_MNT AS WITH A AS (SELECT SCEN_NAME, SCEN_VERSION, MAX(SESS_BEG) SESS_BEG , MAX(DECODE(RN,1,SESS_STA.. 더보기
[EXCEL] 함수 TIP * 엑셀 시트명 가져오기.=RIGHT(CELL("filename",A1),LEN(CELL("filename",A1))-FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))) 더보기