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Prog.Lang. or Query/Jython

jython snpsftp

snpsftp Module

This module simplifies the use of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) with Jython

Using Jython in Oracle Data Integrator

It implements the class SnpsFTP

SnpsFTP Class

Constructor / Methode Description

SnpsFTP([host [,user [,passwd[, acct[, port]]]]]) Constructor: creates an ftp object and connects to the host FTP server on port number port using user, passwd and acct for the authentication.
connect(host [,port]) Connects to the FTP host server on port number port
login([user [,passwd [,acct]]]) Performs authentication against the FTP server.
setmode(mode) Sets the mode to ASCII or BINARY. Possible values are: 'ASCII' or 'BINARY'. The default value for transfers is ASCII.
setpassive(0 | 1) Sets the FTP connection in passive (1) or active (0) mode.
get(src[, dest [, mode]]) Downloads the file described with its full path src (on the FTP erver) into the file or directory dest. The mode can be forced to 'ASCII' or 'BINARY'.
mget(srcdir, pattern [, destdir [,mode]]) Downloads a set of files from the directory srcdir that matches the filter pattern in the directory destdir using the mode mode.
put(src [, dest [, mode='' [, blocksize=8192]]]) Puts the local file src in the server file dest using the mode mode. Uses a bloc transfer size of blocksize bytes.
mput(srcdir, pattern [, destdir [,mode [, blocksize=8192]]]) Puts several local files from the directory srcdir that match the filter pattern into the server directory destdir using the mode mode. Uses a transfer bloc size of blocksize octets.
quit() Sends a QUIT command, then closes the connection with the FTP server.
close() Closes the connection with the FTP server.

Retrieve the *.txt files from /home/odi on the server ftp.myserver.com in the local directory c:\temp

import snpsftp
ftp = snpsftp.SnpsFTP('ftp.myserver.com', 'mylogin', 'mypasswd')
ftp.mget('/home/odi', '*.txt', 'c:/temp')

Put the *.zip files from C:\odi\lib onto the server'ftp.myserver.com in the remote
directory /home/odi/lib

import snpsftp
ftp = snpsftp.SnpsFTP('ftp.myserver.com', 'mylogin', 'mypasswd')
ftp.mput('C:/odi/lib', '*.zip', '/home/odi/lib')