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ETL Tools/Oracle Data Integrator

[ODI] Repository Upgrade from 10g to 11g

작업 진행 순서

0. 사전 진행사항

- Master & Work Repository Cloning 작업 

oracle 명령 (exp & imp) 를 사용하여 기존 Repository 정보를 백업하여 피해가 가지 않도록 한다. 

업그레이드 작업 중 실패할 경우 원복이 되지 않으므로 Oracle 측에서 필수로 권하고 있으니 반드시 백업을 사전에 진행하고 업그레이드를 진행하길 바란다.

참고: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/upgrade.1111/e12642/tasklist.htm#CIHGCBEC

- 현재 버전 체크

/*Master Repository 계정*/

1. 업그레이드 작업 파일 실행 (Upgrade Assistant)

Screen NameWhen Screen AppearsDescription



No action required.

Specify Operation


Select Upgrade Oracle Data Integrator Repositories and choose which additional repository upgrade options you want to perform:

  • Update Topology and Security Metadata

  • Replace KMs with Mandatory Updates

  • Check that Upgrade Occurs Only on Cloned Repositories

For more information on these options, see the Specify Operation screen description inAppendix A.


Only if you selected Upgrade Oracle Data Integrator Repositories on the Specify Operationscreen.

The Upgrade Assistant requires that you indicate the following prerequisites have been met in order to continue the upgrade:

  • Database schema backup completed

    Oracle recommends that you backup your ODI repositories on the database before upgrading. The Upgrade Assistant does not verify that the repositories have been backed up, so this option serves as a reminder. See Creating a Backup of the ODI Repositories to be Upgraded for more information.

  • Database version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade

    The Upgrade Assistant requires that the Oracle Data Integrator repositories reside on a supported database. See Upgrading the Database that Contains the ODI Repository for a link to the latest list of Oracle Data Integrator supported databases.

Target Database

Only if you selected Upgrade Oracle Data Integrator Repositories on the Specify Operationscreen.

The Specify Target Database screen prompts you for the database type and DBA login credentials of the target database that hosts the Master and Work Repositories. You must also provide the database user name and password used to connect to the Master Repository and the ODI Supervisor name and password.

NOTE: The DBA user must have SYSDBA privileges.



If status is succeeded for all components, click Next. If the examination fails for one or more of the components, click Back to review the information you entered. The log file will also provide important information. (The log file location is listed at the bottom of the screen.)

Upgrade Summary


If the summary information looks correct, click Upgrade.

Upgrade Progress


The Upgrading Components screen shows the progress of the upgrade process. Once complete, click Next.

End of Upgrade


The Upgrade Complete screen provides a link to the upgrade log file. Review the log file and test the upgraded applications to ensure that they are working as expected. ClickClose to dismiss the Upgrade Assistant.

참고: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/upgrade.1111/e12642/upgradescrns.htm#CIHGFICH

2. 업그레이드 진행 후 추가 작업

- Master or Work Repository  계정 정보 변경시 

  Client, odiparams.sh or 작업 저장소 수정

- Topology - Technology 수정 사항이 있는 경우

  같은 방법으로 적용해 주어야 한다. 

- KM 업데이트

  File관련 KM 을 제외하고는 자동으로 업데이트 된다고 한다. 

업데이트 안되는 KM 리스트

  • LKM File to Oracle (EXTERNAL TABLE)

  • LKM File to Netezza (EXTERNAL TABLE)

  • LKM File to Oracle (SQLLDR)

  • LKM File to DB2 UDB (LOAD)

  • LKM SQL to Teradata (TTU)

  • IKM SQL to Teradata (TTU)

  • LKM File to Teradata (TTU)

  • IKM File to Teradata (TTU)

  • IKM Teradata to File (TTU)

  • LKM File to Sybase IQ (LOAD TABLE)

    해당 KM 사용시 조치 방법:

    The Knowledge Modules listed above must be updated because they use calls to the odiRef.getTargetTable or odiRef.getTableList APIs to request field or row separators for a file datastore. In ODI 10g, the returned values were inverted when requesting hexadecimal (XFILE_SEP_FIELD, XFILE_SEP_ROW) and ASCII (FILE_SEP_FIELD, FILE_SEP_ROW) separators. To address this issue, the ODI 10g KMs were implemented to work around this issue.

    The 11g OdiRef APIs return the correct values; therefore, the KMs have been modified to request the correct hexadecimal or ASCII separators.

    For example:

    • odiRef.getTargetTable("FILE_0SEP_FIELD") was replaced with odiRef.getTargetTable("XFILE_SEP_FIELD")

    • odiRef.getTargetTable("XFILE_SEP_FIELD") was replaced with odiRef.getTargetTable("FILE_SEP_FIELD")

    • odiRef.getTargetTable("XFILE_SEP_ROW") was replaced with odiRef.getTargetTable("FILE_SEP_ROW")

    • odiRef.getTargetTable("FILE_SEP_ROW") was replaced with odiRef.getTargetTable("XFILE_SEP_ROW")

    If you customized KMs using these methods, you must make the appropriate changes to the API calls.

    Also note that the following KMs are no longer available:

    • LKM File to SAS

    • LKM SAS to SQL

    • LKM File to MSSQL (BCP)

  * Customized KM 에 대해서 어떻게 적용되는지 파악 필요함

현재 최신 버전으로 ODI Upgrade 작업 진행 

기준 2012.10.05 

ODI Version ODI

작업 순서 

1. ODI Upgrade 진행 -> -> -> (최신 버전) <OPatch를 통해 업그레이드 수행>

   Upgrade 버전 메타링크를 통해 다운로드 받을 수 있음. 

2. Repository Upgrade 진행 

   ua.bat 위 정보 참조

3. 실행 테스트 진행