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ETL Tools/Oracle Data Integrator

[ODI 11g] Setup of ODI 11g Agents for High Availability

original site:  http://blogs.oracle.com/dataintegration/entry/setup_of_odi_11g_agents_for_hi 
reference:  http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14571_01/core.1111/e10106/odi.htm 

How do I set up ODI for HA?

  1. Configure a named ODI Agent in ODI Studio
    ODI Agents are declared and defined in ODI Studio Topology panel. Define the ODI Agent that will be used in WebLogic cluster for high availability and for scalable deployment. The host/port defined in the Agent configuration must match with the Load Balancer host/port address. All ODI Agent requests will be routed through this host/port address.

  2. Generate ODI Agent dynamic template for deployment
    Using ODI Studio, generate a deployment template for ODI Agent. When generating the deployment template, you can choose the Data Servers that should get deployed as JEE Data Sources so that they are managed and pooled via WebLogic configuration.

  3. Deploy ODI Agent using the dynamically generated Agent deployment template. 
    Use WebLogic configuration wizard to deploy the template generated in previous step to a WebLogic cluster. This will allow you to create the set of managed servers that are part of a WebLogic cluster to which the ODI Agent should be deployed. You can also deploy the ODI Agent template on an existing WebLogic Domain.

  4. Configure Coherence cache properties in JAVA_OPTIONS for managed server startup.

    1. tangosol.coherence.localport configuration parameter defines the port which a node in the cluster can use for coherence cluster. It would be pinged by an agent nodes to detect coherence cluster existence and other coherence communication. 

    2. All the ODI Agents deployed on a cluster must be connected to the same Coherence cluster cloud. This enables the agents to share the knowledge of the tasks performed by each of them as well as allow for the Scheduling Service migration when needed. Following properties are introduced to configure the Coherence listen addresses.
      oracle.odi.coherence.wkaN : The host name of a Managed Server
      oracle.odi.coherence.wkaN.port : Coherence Unicast port configured on that Managed Server
      Where N = 1..10

    For Example:

    Node 1: "-Dtangosol.coherence.localport=8095 



    Node 2: "-Dtangosol.coherence.localport=8096 