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Oracle Enterprize Linux Installation Guide with ScreenShot

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OEL LogoOracle offers Linux distribution, that is based on Red Hat Linux. Should you use Oracle Linux Distro? I’ll provide appropriate information that will help you to answer this question. I have also provided screenshots of a Linux upgrade using Oracle Enterprise Linux.

Using Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) would make sense under the following two scenarios:

  1. If you are an Oracle Shop, using Oracle Database and other enterprise application from Oracle, you should consider using Oracle Linux distro, as your entire stack will be supported by one vendor and there is no finger pointing when there is an issue. Also, if your team is already using oracle products, the support process for Linux may be easier, as they are already aware of Oracle support process, support website (metalink) and know how to create tickets.
  2. Cost of Linux support with Oracle is significantly less than Red Hat. Apart from the Basic and Premier support, Oracle also offers Network only support option, to keep your Linux distro up-to-date with patches.

Oracle Enterprise Linux can be downloaded for free from Oracle E-delivery.

In the following screenshots, I upgraded an existing OEL 5.1 to 5.2. This process is pretty much same as Red Hat, except you’ll see Oracle Logo and a penguin with armor.

1. Welcome Screen

OEL Welcome Screen

2. Select Language

OEL Select Language

3. Select Keyboard.
A similar screen like above, will prompt you to select the language of the keyboard.

4. Choose Install (or) Upgrade option

OEL Install Or Upgrade Option

5. Update boot loader

OEL Boot Loader Configuration

6. Install confirmation screen
Click next to begin upgrade of Enterprise Linux. A complete log of the upgrade can be found in the file /root/upgrade.log after rebooting your system.

7. Installation progress screen

OEL Installation In Progress

8. Installation completed screen.
A final installation completed message will be displayed, prompting you to reboot the system.